Victoria's e-scooter trial kicked off in February 2022 and was planned to run for 12 months across four councils: the Cities of Melbourne, Yarra, and Port Philip, along with the regional City of Ballarat.

In April 2023, the Victorian e-scooter trial was extended for an additional six months until October 2023, and expanded to allow those aged 16 and over, plus the usage of privately owned e-scooters.

During the pilot, Victorians have been able to try out this sustainable, convenient, and fun form of transport on the green Lime or orange Neuron shared e-scooters (and now privately owned e-scooters too).

Let us walk (or scoot) you through the rules to know below. Remember, if you scoot, then scoot safe!
Be Scoot Safe - Victorian e-Scooter Pilot Rules
Stay off footpaths

Footpaths are made for feet, not wheels. So, stay off footpaths when scooting. Parking on footpaths is allowed, although not in designated no-parking zones, as indicated in the Lime & Neuron apps. A fine of $185 can be issued on the spot to those riding on the footpath.
Helmet always

This is a no brainer, (or it might be if you don't wear a helmet).
Plus, if you think that sounds like a headache, wait until the fine comes if you don't!
Safety first

Scoot safe and be considerate • Pedestrians first! Slow down, use your bell, and give way to pedestrians.
• That call can wait! Don't use your mobile while scooting (or risk a fine of $555 along with 3 demerit points).
One at a time

You may be super excited to get scootin', but keep in mind that the regulations say no passengers! One may be the loneliest number, but it is also the safest. That said, you don't need to go alone. With scooters here, there and everywhere, you and your pal can have one each! Remember you must ride in single file.
Alcohol & Scooters

We have all heard "don't drink and drive", well, don't sip and scoot!! E-scooters are subject to the same 0.05 blood alcohol content limits and zero drug limits that apply when driving a car. So be a scooter hero and aim for zero!
Where can I ride?

E-scooters are only permitted to travel on bicycle lanes, shared paths, and lower speed roads (up to 60km/h) and only in participating councils - download the map of the e-scooter trial zones here. The bike map feature in the arevo app can help you find bike paths and roads to safely ride on.
Private e-scooters

If you have your own e-scooter, you can now ride it Victoria wide up to 20km/hr (on permissible roads and bike lanes). They must have compliant lights, a working bell and brake. 
<20km/hr speed

Woah Nelly, slow down there! The maximum speed on an e-scooter is 20 km/h.
Slower is safer and smarter - exceeding the limit could set you back $227
Must be over 16

Everyone wants to join in on the fun, but you must be at least 16 years of age before you get behind the handles of an e-scooter.
Please check out the VicRoads website for full information on the latest e-scooter trial rules. While we endeavour to ensure that information and material on this page is accurate and up to date, users should refer to the VicRoads website for definitive information on e-scooter rules and fines.
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