Fill up with today’s cheapest fuel
arevo fuel finder’s interactive map lets you quickly and easily locate the cheapest fuel near you. It automatically updates as you move around so there’s no guesswork.
Real prices in real-time
With arevo fuel finder, prices are updated by servos every 15 minutes. So, the price you see in the app is the price you pay at the pump. No surprises, just savings.
Search on your terms
Filter by your favourite fuel by brand, type or location so you can easily top up on your way from A to B.
The search for cheap fuel driving you around the bend?
Personalised Fuel Alerts
We'll let you know when prices are rising and falling plus notify you of the cheapest fuel in your local area.
Save 4¢ on every litre, every day*
Arevo users get 4c off per litre. Fact.

Simply download the arevo app, login with your email, and look for the blue discount tag at participating EG Ampol service stations.

Scan the barcode at the servo and the discount will be automatically applied.

RACV Member? Save even more. Find out how to access 5c off per litre here.


Save up to 12c off per litre with arevo and Woolworths Rewards*
Maximise your savings, minimise the effort.

Save up to $6 off a 50L tank, maximum 150L per fill:
1. Scan your free arevo app barcode for 4c off, available daily
2. Spend $30 at Woolworths and scan your Everyday Rewards card or Woolworths receipt for an extra 4c off 3. Spend $5 or more in-store at participating EG/Ampol fuel stations to get a further 4c off.

*That's it. That's all you need to do. Our T&C's are here.
Download the arevo app